MetaTrader-4 (MT4) Essential Tips and Tricks
MetaTrader4 from MetaQuotes is the standard platform of the Forex industry. MT4 is a free and an efficient software solution for trading Forex, CFDs, and Futures. MetaTrader4 can meet the requirements of any advanced and professional trader, offering features such is fast order execution, full customization, 1-click-trading, built-in language for developing EAs, historical back-testing, and much more.
Mastering the MetaTrader4 Platform
Here are some essential MetaTrader-4 tips and tricks that every Forex trader needs to know.
(1) Customize Languages on Metatrader4
It is very easy:
- Go to Top-Menu and Select > View
- Select > Languages (among tens of different languages)
(2) Adding More Tradable Assets on Metatrader4
If you wish to see the full range of products offered by your broker, then:
- Press Ctrl-U to reveal all Symbols in a new window
- Select any Symbol from the list, and then press -Show- (on the Right) for each symbol you wish to add
- You can also press –Properties- to find useful information about any product
- The selected Symbol(s) appear now on your Market-Watch Window
(3) Create a Common Template for all Charts
This is a particularly useful feature. Let’s suppose you analyze your future trades by using candlesticks on charts and by applying RSI on M5 and MACD on H1 and H4. You don’t have to repeat these settings on any new chart that you open. You can make a template and automatically apply it to any new chart, here is how:
- Right-click on any Price Chart and select >Properties
- Customize the chart exactly as you want (chart type, colors, etc.)
- Go to Top Menu, select >Insert, and by selecting >Indicators, add any indicator you wish (you may choose if it will be visualized on any TimeFrame or on specific TimeFrames)
- After you have customized everything, go to Top-Menu
- Select >Charts and then select >Template
- Select >Save Template and save it by giving it any name
- Afterward, go to any opened chart again Select >Charts and then select >Template
- Now select >Load Template, and click on your previously saved template name
- Your chart preferences and all indicators are automatically imported on the second chart too. Do that in every other chart you wish to customize.
Note: If by accident you have closed a chart you can easily bring it up. Just go to Menu, >File, >Open Deleted, and you can recover it from there.
(4) Go to a Particular Date on MT4 Charts
If you want to go to a particular date easily and fast on a chart, here is what you have to do:
- Open a Chart
- Disable the Auto-Scroll function {Menu, >Charts, >Auto-Scroll}
- Go to the left bottom of the chart, where dates begin, and press Left-Click
- There you can enter any date you want, and place the Enter
- You will move directly to that particular date {Your chart now starts on that date}
In the same field, you can move fast to another chart {from those you have already opened}. Instead of entering a date, simply enter a currency pair symbol (i.e. USDJPY).
(5) MetaTrader-4 Pending Orders
Executing market orders on MT4 is particularly easy. Here is how you may find advanced pending orders. Go to any chart and Right-Click, from there select >Trading. There, you can choose among pending orders, as follows:
(i) Buy Limit —Buy at a price that is equal/lower than the price specified in the trading order.
(ii) Buy Stop —Buy at a price that is equal/higher than the price specified in the trading order (useful to place it above a resistance level).
(iii) Sell Limit —Sell at a price equal to/higher than the specified price in the order.
(iv) Sell Stop —Sell at a price that is equal/lower than the price specified in the trading order (useful to place it below a major support level).
(v) Buy Stop Limit —This order type is the combination of the two first types being a stop order for placing a Buy Limit. As soon as the price reaches the stop level indicated by the order (the Price field), a Buy Limit order will be placed at the level, specified in the Stop Limit price field. The stop level is set above the current Ask price, and the Stop Limit price is set below the stop level.
(vi) Sell Stop Limit —This order type is a stop order for placing a Sell Limit. As soon as the price reaches the stop level indicated in the order (Price field), a Sell Limit order will be placed at the level, specified in the Stop Limit price field. The stop level is set below the current Bid price, and the Stop Limit price is set above the stop level.
(vii) Price Alerts –MetaTrader4 allows placing Price Alerts with sounds. These are found also after right-clicking and selecting >Trading.
(6) Altering the Size of any Trade, Without Completely Closing it
MetaTrader4 offers the ability to partially close a trade, and that means limiting your exposure to a trade position without completely closing it.
- Right-click the opened trade on the bottom (Terminal Field)
- Choose to "Close" as normally would
- Change the number of lots you wish to close. For example, if you have opened 1 lot and you wish to be left with 0.6 lot, then close 0.4
(7) Measure Distances Accurately on MT4 Charts (periods and pips)
MetaTrader 4 allows traders to easily measure distances on a chart:
- Press Ctrl-F to bring up the Crosshairs (you can do that also by simply pressing continuously your mouse-wheel)
- Hold down the left button of your mouse starting from a certain point, and then move your cursor to any other point to measure the distance between these two points.
- You can monitor three numbers divided by slashes ( Number of Bars / Number of Pips / Price at this Point)
Note that if your Forex broker offers fractional pip pricing then a reading of 32 is equal to 3.2 pips.
(8) Duplicate Objects on MT4 Charts with just one click
This is an essential drawing tip used in any Price Chart.
- Select an object that you wish to duplicate, for example, Fibonacci Fan
- Press Ctrl+Left-Click on it, and it is now duplicated
- Go to the original object and drag the duplicated object
Note: This is particularly useful in creating parallel trendlines. Go to any trendline and again press Ctrl + Left-Click on it. It will create a mirror parallel trendline that you can drag to create a price channel.
(9) Compounding Two Indicators on Metatrader4
Any oscillator on MT4 can be compounded with another one to form a common area of technical analysis. For example, if you want to compound CCI on MACD, here is how:
- Insert any oscillator you like {Menu, >Insert, >Indicators), let’s suppose MACD
- Press Ctrl-N to open the -Navigator Window-
- On the left-opened Navigator Window, drag any indicator you want to MACD, let’s suppose you add CCI
- Choose your settings on the second indicator, and enjoy the results.
(10) Create MT4 Alerts on Certain Events
The MT4 platform offers sound or email alerts to certain events. These alerts can be either:
- Alert if the price reaches a certain value
- Timeout Alert
Here is how you create an Alert on MT4:
- Click Ctrl-T to open the -Terminal Window- (opens in the bottom)
- Down the bottom, click the tab –Alerts-
- On the pop-up menu select –Create-
- Customize your alerts in the Alert Editor window
- Select the action that will be triggered by the alert { Sound | File | eMail }
(11) Metatrader4 Basic Keyboard Shortcuts
General MT4 Shortcuts
- Ctrl+D -Data Window On / Off
- Ctrl+T -Terminal On / Off
- Ctrl+M -Market Window On / Off
- Ctrl+O –Call –Options Setup- window
- Alt+F4 -Exit Fast MetaTrader4
Chart Move BackWards
- Left Arrow -Scroll the price chart to the left
- PgUp -Scroll fast the price chart to the left
- Home -Scroll to the 1st bar of the chart
Chart Move Forwards
- Right Arrow -Scroll the price chart to the right
- PgDown -Scroll fast the price chart to the right
- End -Scroll to the last bar of the chart
- Zoom In-Out
- {+} –Zoom in the Chart
- {–} -Zoom out (6 zoom levels)
- Alt+1 -Change to Bar Chart
- Alt+2 -Change to Candlesticks Chart
- Alt+3 -Change to Line Chart
- Ctrl+F -Change cursor to –Crosshair Mode-
- Ctrl+G -Grid On / Off
- Ctrl+H - OHLC line On / Off
- Ctrl+Y -Period separators On / Off
- Ctrl+F6 -Go to the next chart window
MetaTrader4 Objects
- Ctrl+B –Open the -Objects List- window
- Delete -Delete selected object (one or more)
- Backspace -Delete recent-added LIFO (Last-in-First-Out)
- Ctrl+Z -Undo object deletion
MetaTrader4 Indicators
- Ctrl+A -Arrange all indicators' heights
- Ctrl+I -Call -Indicators List- window
Important Resources
- F2 -Historical Data Center
- F4 -Open MetaEditor
- Ctrl+R –Tester window On /Off
- F8 -Change the parameters of price charting (check below how you can make mass changes to multiple charts)
- F9 -New Orders
- F11 -Fullscreen On / Off
- Shift+F5 –Change profile (go to the previous profile)
(12) Customize and Alter Metatrader4 Shortcuts
Metatrader4 allows traders to input their hotkeys including indicators, experts, and scripts.
- Press Ctrl+N (navigation window)
- Right-click
- In the revealed menu, select -Set hotkey-
- Choose your Hotkeys
Add to Favorites
In addition, again in the navigation window (Ctrl+N) you can add an indicator on the favorites tab and call it with a few clicks.
You can open a MetaTrader Demo for free:
FSC 000138/7, Belize
EURUSD Min. Spread: 1.3 Pip No commissions |
Min. Deposit: $10 (mini) |
FSC GB21026834, Mauritius
EURUSD Min. Spread: 0.0 Pip plus $7.0/lot commissions |
Min. Deposit: $200 for all account types |
FSC of the Republic of Vanuatu (Reg. No. 40313)
EURUSD Min. Spread: 0.1 Pip plus $7.0/lot commissions |
Min. Deposit: $200 (mini) |
■ MetaTrader 4 Tutorial
G. P. for (c)